7/6/2023 4:57:55 PM
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The survey team of the Culture and Education Committee of the National Assembly at Hue Monuments Conservation Centre
In the morning of July 6, 2023, Hue Monuments Conservation Centre worked the Survey Delegation on the implementation of policies and laws in the fields of cultural heritage of the Committee for Culture and Education of Hue City. The National Assembly is led by Mr. Phan Viet Luong, Vice Chairman of the Culture and Education Committee.

Arch. Hoang Viet Trung, Director of Hue Monuments Conservation Centre, gave a preliminary report on the implementation of policies and laws in the field of cultural heritage of the Centre. He did highlight the basic issues about the formation and development, the organizational structure as well as the operation of the Centre. In addition, he emphasized the shortcomings in mechanisms, policies, and legal corridors in the preservation of the Complex of Hue Monuments; difficulties and shortcomings in the capital investment for the heritage conservation; and finally the inadequacies in the decentralization of management.

At the working sessions, differents issues were spefically discused and clarified.

            The Centre also made recommendations to the delegation of the Culture and Education Committee of the National Assembly  in amending the Law on Cultural Heritage and articles relating to heritage and culture in relevant Laws such as Land, Construction, Management and use of public properties, Investment in the form of public-private partnership, and etc. so as to preserve and promote most effectively the values of the nation's heritage and culture.

            Previously, the delegation had done the survey at ​​Eo Bau Nam Hung and Nam Thang, at which the relocation of the population in Area I of Hue Capital City has been implemented, and investigated the conservation and restoration of Kien Trung Hall at Hue Imperial City.

Hue Monuments Conservation Centre
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