3/12/2014 3:16:53 PM
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Xa Tac Esplanade is an important construction of Hue Citadel. It was built in 1806 when Hue Citadel was planned at the north bank of Huong river. The first king of the Nguyen - Gia Long – ordered the contribution of pure soil from all over the country to build up this Esplanade. Thus, this construction symbolized the land of nation and the sacrificial ceremony at Xa Tac Esplanade had the great significance nationwide. It was recognized as the Great Ceremony in the Nguyen regulations.

Xa Tac Esplanade (1914)


In morphological aspect, the word “Xã” in “Xã Tắc” comes from “Thái Xã Chi thần” (the spirit of the Land), the word “Tắc” derives from “Thái Tắc Chi thần” (the spirit of the Cereal). For the wet rice agricultural peasants, “Xã” (Land) and “Tắc” (Cereal) play the decisive role in their prosperous life. Therefore, “Xã Tắc” always refers to the country and the sacrificial ceremony of Xa Tac dedicates to the spirits of the country for the advantageous weather, good harvest, happiness and prosperity in people’s life.

Xa Tac ceremony-2011

Since 2008, the first Xa Tac ceremony was held by Hue Festival organizers and yearly continued in every lunar February in order to reproduce and preserve a solemn royal rite as well as to honor the agriculture and cultural tradition of Vietnam. In Xa Tac sacrificial ceremony 2012, the representative of local community who is Chairman of Thua Thien Hue Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front will be the main officiant.

Bat dat - Royal dance performed in the Xa Tac ceremony-2011

According to the tradition, the ceremony will start at almost midnight of March 8, 2012 (corresponding to the lunar February 17, the Dragon Year). Other ritual accessories including various flags of universal elements, dragon and phoenix, etc. also accompany with ritual music and dances to create an authentic ritual space. 


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